You know how you do that thing where you cover your face in pictures so even if your friends put them up on Facebook (without your permission, obviously) no one will be able to tell who you are? Turns out Facebook knows exactly who you are even without seeing your face. New Scientist reports that Facebook’s got a new algorithm that allows recognition without needing to resort to anything as basic as facial features. Instead, the experimental (meaning it’s coming soon, don’t worry) algorithm looks at other recognizable characteristics to pick out who’s who in all those party pics that were shot in low light at bad angles. From New Scientist : “There are a lot of cues we use. People have characteristic aspects, even if you look at them from the back,” [Yann] LeCun says [head of Artificial Intelligence]. “For example, you can recognise Mark Zuckerberg very easily, because he always wears a gray T-shirt.” The research team pulled almost 40,000 public photos from Flickr
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